Sunday, January 18, 2009

My first low key local holland race!!


Zuidwoulde - the local race was in Zuidwoulde Ned

It's about a 50minute drive south of our bungalo. Another cute little town decorated in brick houses and hedges.

The Race was actually a MTB venue, and although the course was more suiting to cross bikes, there were more MTB racers. We all race the same race, but the results are separated by bike be it a cross bike or mtb. Still creates a fairly large starting field, and fun competition. We found our way to the site mostly with luck and a few brightly colored green signs. Being a local race, it was even more apparent that i wasn't a local. Having no real idea what the registration signs said, or what kind of sign up system to expect. Fortunately, the lovely people at the sign on desk spoke enough English to get me signed up, and the rest was up to asking random people random questions. When does course open?.... Is course open?.... ummm. Parc.... Parcours Open? haha, and with enough hand gestures, and a few lucky people picks I managed a pre-ride. At staging I didn't understand a word the official was saying. I had no idea who i was starting with or when i was going. I just did whatever the other girls were doing. I bunched on the the back of the group behind the line, and started camera conversation with Mangey. Then the whistle blew. I looked forward and the entire mass of people I was (I guess starting with) took off. "Have Fun Pep" said Mangey, as I sprinted back on to the group. Haha, I love the dutch language.

The course reminded me a lot of Stony Plains accept the challenge race, WITHOUT the steep climbs, Actually, the biggest climbs on this course were off cambre corners in the sandy dooney part of the course, and mounds of dirt, that had potential for grabbing some serious air... ahh, Why didn't i pull off a No-Footer! What was I thinking? I wondered what mountains the mountain bikers here actually ride on - cuz on this course a cross bike just seemed more suiting. The rest of the course maneuvered through single track in "The Woods". Haha, I like how riding through the trees is called the woods. It was pretty fresh cut single track, mossy, muddy, but twisty awesome. It was my favorite part. I was at no disadvantage on my sexy louis G cross bike, in fact this is the type of riding that favors both my strength and general preferred enjoyment. I got a pretty good kick outta dropping the boys who rode mtb's in the singletrack on a cross bike. WOOP WOOP!! A good portion of mud aslo made this a cross worthy course, so again, i wonder where the mountain bikers actually have mountain bike races. All in all, i was actually really impressed with the venue. Some nice variety (for the cross bike) and fun atmosphere. They had a snackstand with homemade soups and ...something on a bun it was sooo good. Hot homemade dutch soup really hits the spot on a really rainy and rather chilly north Holland Day.

My Race

I raced elite women, but most were on MTB's, and our start was combined with Junior boys/Girls, and cat 3,4,5 men. A lot of racers off the start. Having slightly missed the start whistle, I had to put on a bit of an excessive sprint to catch on and work my way through the group. It was fun. I felt great, my legs were feeling the groove. No problem. Less then half a minute in I made my way back into mid pack of women, men, mtb's and cross bikes. We hit the sand off cambre corners still fairly congested, but it made for some playful elbow rubs, and really made the talented line pickers stand our (yours truely. Wink wink). I was feeling great and just kept riding clean and fast lines, picked of riders one by one, and each lap worked up a little further. By Second lap I dropped all the female competition, and was working in on a top 10 placement among those springy leg'd junior boys. Haha, they hate getting passed by girls. So cute. I played Cat'n Mouse with rider #24 (not sure what his name was). Put pressure on in the single track, pass in the mud. He would work himself into the ground to get past me again. Haha, the died on the third lap. I finished I 7th outta the whole group. Might Have given those other gents a run for their money if I got to the front a little sooner. But, it was tonnes of fun. I liked the flow of the course, and Im feeling pretty on the mark. A local team member of Tim's gang says its muddy and rainy in Holland almost everyday. Haha GOOD! Bring it on

Here is Andrew. He seemed to have a great race. Finishing right after Tim, unofficially 2nd i think. Im gonna go out on a limp and say the course favored his mtb skills on the cross bike. He said the course was slow - then ride slow!! haha, who you fool'n

Here is Brian - Canadian from Calgary. looked like he was riding good, not sure where he finished.

Oh yeah - this tractor had to pull almost every car out of the "muddy field" parking lot. Haha, Mangey dug some pretty good trenches in the ground with our muscle ford minivan. HOOOAHH!! She did a great job as pit crew and supported again. Even though her zero body fat skeleton froze to death out there today.

My Next race is a doozie. Zonnebek, i will correct spelling later. Thats next weekend. My last hoorah before the BIG ONE. This week will be full of rides, prep, waffels and hopefully some shananigans.

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